Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Case studies

An increasing number of experiences, initiatives and projects aimed at developing and implementing specific actions to adapt to climate change. In this module you will be able to explore practical cases on adaptation developed in different territories of Spain and implemented by Public Administrations, private sector entities, organisations, and other actors. On the other hand, you will also be able to consult and access the case studies included in the European Climate-ADAPT Platform. Here you can find more information about this functionality and the connection with Climate-ADAPT.
Furthermore, in this publication you can find a selection of adaptation case studies with some of the most representative practices.
Note: The views and documentation provided in the case studies are the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the case studies.


The objective of the Pteridum project was to analyze the economic viability of controlling common fern populations (Pteridium aquilinum) in a circular economy system adapted to climate change in the Cantabrian Mountains, and reducing forest fires caused or favored by their presence by co



The European LIFE CERSUDS project (Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System) is developing sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) that use ceramic materials of low commercial value as a filter system for construction or paving.


Amphibians suffer a global decline. This has made them the most threatened group of vertebrates on the planet, with more than a third of the species under some degree of threat.


The NBS URBAN project seeks to integrate nature into urban planning, reinforcing the use of ecosystems and nature together with existing infrastructures in order to locally adapt to climate change in the Basque Country region, using for such purpose a map for their identification


In January 2009 the Consell Insular de Menorca launched the LIFE + BOSCOS project: 'Sustainable Forest Management in Menorca in a context of climate change'.

Other Case studies

Settlements, infrastructure, land use and road connections in the Grimsel area in southern Switzerland are heavily exposed to risks from hydrological and gravitational natural hazard processes, such as rock fall, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, and floods favoured b

Isola Vicentina (Italy) signed the EU’s Mayors Adapt initiative (current Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) in 2014 and since then started the elaboration process of its Municipal Water Management Plan (MWMP) in order to integrate climate change adaptation int

The former industrial area “Luciline” in Rouen, along the Seine river, has been re-designed profoundly into an ecodistrict (9 hectares in total), including both climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions. Sustainable living is the core principle of the neighbourhood re-design.

Körös-Maros National Park, SE-Hungary, was created in 1997 for the protection of birds.

Forests can provide effective protection against rockfalls, landslides and avalanches; their preservation and proper management can maintain these services and functions which assume relevance also in the perspective of adaptation to current extreme events and future

Hydropower is an essential part of the energy mix in France, accounting for around 20% of installed capacity.

Over a century ago a sparsely populated landscape of water meadows was transformed into an industrial conurbation, and the untamed river Emscher, in the Ruhr area, turned into a man-made system of open waste waterways.

The City of Växjö is situated in the southern part of Sweden, surrounded by forests and lakes. As many parts of the central city of Växjö were built upon wet and swampy areas they are vulnerable to floods after heavy rainfall events.

The rural district of Aurich in Lower Saxony is the northernmost district of Germany, bordering the Netherlands and the North Sea. Its natural environment is characterised by the Wadden Sea, by three islands off the coast and by more than 70km of coastline.