Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Special Issue on climate over the Iberian Peninsula: an overview of CLIVAR-Spain coordinated science

The following report summarizes the main findings presented at the “International Symposium CLIMATE-ES 2015: Progress on climate change detection and projections over Spain since the findings of the IPCC AR5” symposium in Tortosa. Each of nine article deals with one of the topics of the symposium, namely: paleoclimate, climate time series, gridded datasets, atmospheric trends, teleconnections, oceanic variability, regional model assessment, regional atmospheric climate projections and oceanic projections (with projections for the Mediterranean and Atlantic treated separately). The structure resembles that of the first report but the emphasis is on updated results, advances in understanding, and new developments or research foci. The aim of this publication is to highlight the broad scope of ongoing national research focused on Spanish climate.